Friday, June 8, 2018

Tall Tree

Wednesday evening I stopped at a new healthy style restaurant that just opened down the street from to give them a try.  On my way out of the restaurant, I caught sight of this tall tree with the glow of the  late sun on it.  I drove around to the next street over to get a closer look and to snap a photo.  I just liked the light on the tree.

By the way, the healthy place was pretty good.

I just realized that I've had posts about trees for  three days in a row now.  That wasn't planned.


  1. I thought you had a new project too, trees! But I don't mind. They look all very different and the light is wonderful indeed.

  2. Tall indeed, and beautiful !

  3. You are hooked on trees. :-}

  4. They deserve some attention, Sharon!

  5. I loooove trees Sharon so keep going 😀 The light here is pretty special too!

  6. Nice light! Is it Arbor Day in Arizona?! :)

  7. Trees are beautiful so taking pictures of them is a good thing! That is a tall one!

  8. The light is perfect and makes that tree shine! Nothing wrong with showing trees. Unless, of course, you fall upon your knees, and then pray and worship those trees. That would be kinda strange! :))
