Thursday, February 8, 2018

More Art & Some Canine Cuteness

The home of the art collecting lady I've been telling about also contained some canine cuteness that couldn't be over looked.  This is Riley.

And this is Cody who wasn't as keen to have his photo taken.

And, one more art shot. Another beautiful Dan Namingha painting on the wall and more wonderful baskets on the table.

Visiting her home was a lot like visiting a museum with the added benefit of two cute dogs to follow you from room to room.


  1. That is fun, they are like two attendents, keeping an eye on you.

  2. These cute dogs are the canine curators of this wonderful collection!

  3. Those two look a lot like someone who lives with me. Especially Cody.

  4. I'll bet they are fun-loving dogs who bring great joy to the owner. Love that tile floor, too, and the run of which I can see just a portion.

  5. This is one of my favorite breed of dogs!

  6. They are beautiful dogs keeping their eyes on you.

  7. Keeping an eye is primordial for a dog needless to say for two...
    The artworks are exquisite.

  8. Yes, they are cute canines, but my eye is also interested in those marvellous baskets!!

  9. Riley is too cute Sharon, a King Charles spaniel? What a super visit you had, would be lovely to live surrounded by all that fabulous art!

  10. You should be a dog portrait photographer, Sharon
