Friday, February 9, 2018

Makeshift Armor

I was up on the overhead crosswalk in downtown Phoenix when I spotted this fellow below at street level in this rather unusual outfit made of the pull tabs that open cans of soda, beer and other drinks.  His costume was completely covered in them from head to toe.

As I was looking down from above, I heard a guy walk by him and say "Hey man, cool armor".

Cool armor, indeed!


  1. Why? Funky, yes. Interesting, sort of. Different, yes. Weird, yes. Nice shot, yes. But why? :)

  2. I am with Lowell on this. What is it all about?

  3. Being individual and unique is important and this fellow achieved that goal.

  4. It must be heavy. I find it creative. I am just wondering how many hundreds of hours it took to make it.

  5. What a great costume! I've never seen anything like it. If he made that himself, he is quite an artist!

  6. Very unusual. I'm also thinking something for Mardi Gras?

  7. Carnival time...
    Cool shot, Sharon.

  8. Oh my gosh! Am I the only one thinking about how much patience it would have taken to put this together ... Incroyable!

  9. I was thinking the same thing as Grace! It must have taken a long time to make that outfit. What a great photo op too!

  10. I saw him a few years ago at that time his costume about one fourth the size.My granddaughter gave him credit for recycle.

  11. Great shot, Sharon. Very creative indeed, maybe he wants to illustrate his open mind, he has enough pull tabs for it. :)

  12. Wow! That is a FANTASTIC shot! I would love to have photographed this guy.

  13. It's so creative. I'd love to talk to him about the concept.
