Saturday, November 4, 2017

Let There Be Light

Last week I checked a web site about things to do around town and I found a link to a new gallery in Scottsdale that was featuring the photography of Bob Carey.  I went to the website for the gallery, Fiat-Lux (which means "let there be light") to check their hours and learned that they are only open to the public on Thursday nights which happens to be the night of the Scottsdale Art Walk.  And further, they are only open Thursday night from 7 to 9.  Well I was intrigued by a gallery that could keep such sparse hours so my friend Glenda and I decided to check it out last Thursday.  We were sadly very disappointed.  Here's the gallery, all lit up but, where I'm standing there was a chain across the entrance (which I almost tripped over in the dark) and no sign of life.  We even waited around for 15 minutes thinking maybe they were just late but, no one came.  Apparently, one night a week for just two hours must be too much for the gallery owners.  If I sound a little miffed it's because I am.  I wanted to see that show and it only goes until the 6th and I have other plans next Thursday.  Of course, they might not be open next Thursday either, who knows.

Glenda and I didn't let it spoil the evening.  We visited some other galleries and ended the night in the Aridus tasting room where we indulged a bit of wine tasting.  They have some pretty darn good wines so the evening ended on a high note.


  1. I like your night photography along with the interior shot. It's all about light. Wine... nice way to get over your disappoint.

  2. You found the right cure to your disappointment.

  3. What a puzzle? Still that was a good exterior night shot of the gallery!

  4. Those are crazy hours! Too bad about your disappointment but at least you got into some other galleries and had some good wine!

  5. It looks like a nice place and it's all lit up (love your photo) and one would assume it was open. Maybe the proprietor had a heart attack and was lying on the floor waiting for help. Or maybe it's a mob money laundering outfit and he got into a tiff with some mafia types and they shut him down. Or maybe someone stole all the art work so he had to close up shop. Or maybe he just didn't feel like standing around for a couple of hours because the rest of the week he works retail and is on his feet 10 hours a day.

    Hey, you never know.

    But, I'm not surprised you found some other options which seem to have worked out very well! :)

  6. That's pretty lame that it was closed and there was no way to know that. Great night shot and it looks like you did enjoy your quick backup plan. Both shots are fantastic, Sharon.

  7. For some everything is resolved with chocolate. For others there is wine. And for some (like me) there is chocolate AND wine!

  8. Seems like a heck of a way to run a business.
