Sunday, November 5, 2017

Hay Fields

Yesterday I mentioned that my friend Glenda and I visited some of the Scottsdale art galleries last Thursday and I wanted to show the work of one artist who really appealed to me.  The artist is Jean Luc Messin and he's been represented by Brennan Fine Art for a number of years.

For such common farm scenes, these struct me as exceptionally beautiful.  You could see every blade of hay and some of the hay bundles were raised with heavy paint so they almost had a 3-D effect.

I love the stormy skies in these paintings and this one with fields in the background and tire tracks in front made me feel like I could walk right into it.

Mr Messin lives part time in France and part time in Scottsdale and these scenes were inspired by the area in France where he spends part of the year.  I think these are wonderful paintings.  I'd be happy to capture a photo this good.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm visiting a tiny historic spot.


  1. The paintings are very life like and capture the countryside really nicely.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. i agree that there is beauty around us and the hay fields and plains always impress me with their simple charm.

  3. I thought they were photos at first! They are really quite incredible. The time and effort it must have taken to paint these scene - hard to imagine. Obviously, your photos are excellent - you have captured the paintings so well that, as I said, I thought they were photos!

  4. I thought they were photos at first too and wondered where you had wandered off to, Sharon! ;-)

  5. I was trying to figure out where you found a hay field like that to photograph. These are beautiful.

  6. Those are beautiful. But having grown up in North Dakota and lived in Indiana, I would never have thought they were from France.

  7. i really like them, very realistic.

  8. At first I thought, I didn't know Arizona had hay fields. They are stunning and painted so well that they look real.

  9. Beautiful paintings! The lighting really adds to them, too. At first I thought that first picture was a photo, and I was trying to figure out where that beam of white light was coming from. :)

  10. These rural scenes appeal to me and are beautifully depicted!
