Tuesday, November 21, 2017

After Dark

When I was at the Mesa Art Center last Thursday evening, I took a few "after dark" photos around the building.  It really is a spectacular facility with several theatre spaces available, an art museum and art education classrooms.  When I lived in Mesa almost 20 years ago, we dreamed of an art center like this.  In fact, I served on the Mesa Arts Advisory Board and we started the long and bumpy road to getting a facility like this built.  It didn't happen until long after my board service ended and a while after I moved to Phoenix.  It was completed in 2005 and is the largest arts campus in the state.  Bravo Mesa!

Those cactus in the top shot look just as good as shadows up against that turquoise plexiglass wall.

In another location, there is an other plexiglass wall with barrel cactus planted along it.

The theatre space houses four separate performance spaces with the largest being the one I pictured last week at 1600 seats to the smallest with just 99 seats.  I posted some daytime photos of the arts center last year.  You can see them here.


Aimz said...

Love the photos - taking them at night gives a whole different perspective.

Christine said...

What a fabulous facility! Your night shots give it an added depth and appeal - so artistic!

Andy said...

Excellent night photography Sharon.

William Kendall said...

Wonderful space, Sharon. You've captured these spots beautifully at night.

Lowell said...

I love night shots and these are spectacular, as is the structure. I would never had dreamed something like this would be built in Mesa when I worked there. I just remembered: the day JFK was shot in Dallas I was working in an office in Mesa with two other co-workers. We were so stunned, nothing was accomplished the rest of the day.

RedPat said...

What a wonderful space! I love those plexi walls, Sharon!

Bill said...

Beautiful night shots Sharon. I just absolutely love the art center and I'm sure the people of Mesa do too. Wonderful to see, thank you.

Judy Ryer said...

Nice night shots

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You should be proud that you were amongst the 'getting the ball rolling' crew Sharon! Love night shots, everything looks mysterious in shadow ☺

Catalyst said...

Love that place. We went to a couple of outdoor noon-time performances also. Mesa should be proud of having built it. And I think since we were there the Light Rail comes right nearby, doesn't it?

Silver in AZ said...

Nice! We will be living verrrrry close to Mesa in about 2 years! :)

Steve Reed said...

I like the use of light and color in the architecture.

Thérèse said...

Such a wonderful place to take pictures.

Jack said...

I love your top and bottom images.