Saturday, November 18, 2017

My Love of Patterns

By now you  know how I just love repeating patterns.  That must explain why I found three photos in my files of parking structure stairs.  It has to be those nice even lines.  This one is at the Biltmore Shopping Center in central Phoenix.

I noticed this one in downtown Phoenix very near the baseball stadium.

I especially like this one also in downtown Phoenix.  Those circular platforms look like giant bread-baskets or a stacking fruit and vegetable dish.


Andy said...

Dramatic and eye catching. Well done.

RedPat said...

I like the graphics of these too, Sharon!

Judy Ryer said...


Lowell said...

I'm attracted to such shapes also. But your photos are so excellent that I think I'll let you do the photography work and I'll just enjoy the patterns and shapes that way! I think the last series is my favorite.

William Kendall said...

The second one is my favourite.

Bill said...

Super shots of those patterns. They do catch one's eye and you photographed them perfectly. My favorite is the second one too.

Steve Reed said...

You have a good eye for patterns! Architects must love it when people pick up on features like these in their buildings.

Catalyst said...

That second one is interesting but the stairways don't seem to connect.

Aimz said...

They certainly stand out that's for sure.

Thérèse said...

I like the first one because of the green touch which makes the picture verry attractive.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

There is definitely something very appealing about regular lines.. well spotted Sharon, they would look marvelous in black and white too.

Jack said...

Good for you, Sharon. I like patterns, too. (I kinda specialize in floors.) Your first photo is the one that grabs me.