Thursday, September 21, 2017

On the Fence

Remember last month when I posted about the man in white standing in front of an apartment complex?  And, then there was the time back in May when I posted about the lady holding the urinal who also sat in front of an apartment complex.  Remember that one?

Well, here is another one that I found not too far from the man in white and also sitting in front of an apartment complex in Tempe.

One of my faithful readers, found the name of the artist and as luck would have it, a couple of weeks ago there was an article in the newspaper about that very same artist.  His name is Bill Tonnesen and he's not only an artist but he is also the owner of the apartment complexes where his interesting works resides.

I visited his web site and discovered a few more of his pieces that reside around town.  One of those pieces I posted a photo of way back in 2008.  It's a piece located at a business so it doesn't get seen by many people.

It you check his website, you will see photos of how he creates these figurative sculptures.  Besides the art, he also owns both business and residential properties and he's a landscape architect.

I will seek out and show you some of those other pieces in the future.


Andy said...

Mystery solved. The artist has an interesting concept about art.

Lowell said...

A sculptor left to his own devices comes up with some interesting pieces. Is there any kind of rule about sculptures? Just kidding. His work is intriguing but I wouldn't go out of my way to see it. I wonder if he owns the apartment complex in Tempe where we lived when we first arrived down thataway in 1969? Oh heck, the complex itself is probably long gone.

RedPat said...

He must be an interesting guy, Sharon! Lots of different facets to him!

Steve Reed said...

Excellent! I'm so glad we have an answer to our questions! (Some of them, anyway.)

Lois said...

He is a busy guy! Interesting sculpture too.

William Kendall said...

Peculiar work!

Christine said...

These figures make you stop & think! I must visit the artists web page for more information

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh Bill is a busy man Sharon.. and a man with a sense of humour 😀 I like his quirky style!

Stefan Jansson said...

Funny art, we need more of that.

Bill said...

Sound like a man who enjoys life and shares it. I like it and it would be very interesting to talk to him. A fun guy!

Thérèse said...

Such a sense of humour! It makes you stop and wonder. Thks for the link.

Aimz said...

I like it, it's very realistic.

Bob Crowe said...

Makes me a bit uncomfortable. And what's with the Rothko stencil? No sign of Mark Rothko around there.

Judy Ryer said...

Well, that's interesting.