Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Shopping in a Fog

We had a bit of a storm roll through the valley Friday night leaving the temperature a tiny bit cooler on Saturday morning but, there was a catch.  The humidity was much higher so it might have been cooler than usual but, it felt about the same.  I went to the Farmer's Market in the morning and the market in downtown Phoenix uses misters during the summer months to try to make if feel cooler.

Combine misters with higher humidity and you create a fog so thick it's hard to see.  And, it doesn't really make it feel cooler it just feels hot and wet.  Fortunately I was only there long enough to pick up some bread and some tomatoes.

I did manage to take a photo of these perfectly red, perfectly shaped tomatoes displayed so neatly in perfect rows.  These aren't the tomatoes I bought.  My experience has been that the ones that are so perfect to look at usually don't taste all that great.  There's a life lesson in there somewhere.


Aimz said...

I love farmers markets and better still taking my camera along too.

Andy said...

Interesting sight.

RedPat said...

We are enjoying the very tasty field tomatoes right now and they are not beauties at all. But they are so good!

Steve Reed said...

Those are some really nice LOOKING (if not also tasting) tomatoes, though! You'd think they could just turn those misters off when they're not needed.

Lowell said...

I like fog - it make for good photos. Don't like to drive in it, though. I'll say Happy Birthday to you rather than sing. You couldn't hear me sing it anyway and my singing might make you want to never celebrate a birthday again. By the way I always shop in a fog. Or, wait...people tell me I'm always in a fog so I'd still be in a fog if I went shopping. Right. OK, I'll quit now. Have a fun say in the Valley of the Fun, er, I mean, Sun.

William Kendall said...

There are some restaurants here that use misters on hot days as well for their terraces.

Catalyst said...

Like you said, misters just make me feel wet. And I'm with Amy: I too love farmers markets especially if I have my camera with me.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Pretty tricky to keep your lens from fogging up too I should imagine Sharon. I'm loving the tomatoes here at the moment, so tasty!

Judy Ryer said...

You are so right about the tomatoes. And yes, there is a life lesson in there somewhere.

Bill said...

I can't imagine shopping in the fog, being hot and wet. Doesn't sound too good but your photos do a good job in illustrating the foggy marketplace.

Lois said...

I'm used to the humidity, but not the misters! Makes for interesting photos though.