Friday, August 11, 2017

Not My Cup of Tea

There is a new place at the Scottsdale Fashion Square Mall called Boba Tea Company.  They serve all kinds of tea blends but, it's teas blended with other things, not blends of teas.

I do love a good iced tea but, apparently I don't care for teas blended with other things.  I gave it a try and although I ordered an unsweetened variety pictured here, it was so sweet tasting that I couldn't finish it.

I guess I'm a bit of a purest when it comes to tea.


  1. Me too! Give me a nice cup of black tea and I'm happy!

  2. I'm not into different varieties of tea.
    This looks like a very trendy new place though.

  3. I wonder why it was sweet-tasting even though it was unsweetened? Fruit juice or something?

  4. That drink does look pretty but if you're thirsty, you might want something less sweet.

  5. I love black tea, no sugar and no milk. A close second is chocolate tea, very good.

  6. Oh absolutely Sharon, it's got to be Earl Grey for me or I'm not touching it 😀 Aimee on the other hand is happy to try anything new!
