Thursday, August 10, 2017

The Man in White

About two weeks ago, I was driving around in Tempe exploring an area of town that I used to live in a long time ago when I spotted this fellow standing in front of an older apartment complex.

The apartments were all single level and the place was full a tall trees for shade.

I didn't see a name for the complex or any sign as to what this sculpture was all about.  It looks like he might be a lover of all things windy surrounded by all those whirly-gigs.  

It's certainly a unique greeting from the main street.

I'm off to California for a few days so I might not be able to stop by your sites.  I'll be back to normal on Monday.


  1. He does look like a weatherman!
    Have a fun time in California!

  2. An odd sight! Enjoy California. :)

  3. What an unusual sculpture with a particularly lovely entrance to the apartments.I am as curious as you are.California should be fun!

  4. Looks like someone there is a salvage artist. What's up with all those rusty gas canisters to the left in the second picture? Maybe they're being saved for a future art project?

  5. That's different! Have fun in California.
