Saturday, August 12, 2017

Skysong is Growing

I recently took a stroll through Skysong again and I was impressed by how much it's grown.  You might recall that Skysong is part of Arizona State University and is technology and innovation research facility.  There are at least four new buildings on the site and a whole set of nice looking apartments too.

I'm always drawn to the bright white sails that soar over the center of the facility and can be seen from some distance away.  I can see them from the Desert Botanical Garden when I walk there.

There are plenty of outdoor spaces for employees and students and researchers to relax.

And, there is plenty for me to photograph whenever i walk around the area.  


  1. That is an awe inspiring space! It does make for great photos!

  2. Looks like a great (shady) place to hang out!

  3. Any shade is nice but this is very artistic.

  4. That is irresistible for the photographer!

  5. Good spot indeed! Seems to me like the roof reminds me of a circus tent almost.

  6. Any project in AZ that creates a lot of shade is to be commended.
