Friday, May 19, 2017

More Unusual Weather

At the beginning of the month we had some unusually hot temperatures for this time of year.  Now this last week we've had unseasonably cool temperatures for this time of year.  I'm glad because it gave me an opportunity to do two walks at the Desert Botanical Garden, one in the morning and one in the late afternoon.

I even found some pretty cactus flowers to share with you.  This cactus had five at once.

And they were all so perfectly shaped, they were hard to resist.

But, I thought I throw in the pretty little coneflower for good measure.  

Fingers crossed that this weather will hold out for another week!


  1. Wow, Sharon, fantastic macros !

  2. The change in weather does not seem to be affecting the beauty of the flowers. They are breathtaking.

  3. I am always amazed by the cactus flowers. That's something we just don't see here. Love the coneflower + visitor too!

  4. I never tire of your cactus blossoms! We may get some coneflowers in our garden this year -- our echinacea plant is bigger than it's ever been.

  5. Wonderful to see the cactus flower but I really love your coneflower macro with bee in situ!

  6. That botanical garden is a jewel in Phoenix's crown! And you know how, with your camera, to make the most of it. These are all gorgeous photos. Wishing you a super weekend filled with love, laughter and lots of good photos!

  7. Hi Sharon,

    The cactus blossoms have always been my favorite. I think they are very exotic and beautiful. Thanks for sharing those pics.

  8. The cactus flower is such a beautiful color!

  9. Those cactus flowers are a cheerful sight!

  10. So pretty Sharon. It's always such a relief to get some cooler days after a hot spell, I know exactly how you feel ☺ Looks like rain here all weekend, nice!

  11. These photographs certainly brighten my day. The colors are lovely.

  12. Love the cactus flower, it's so beautiful.

  13. Each photo is beautiful, but is especially like the last one that is hosting a visitor.

  14. I really do like that pale pink color. I envy your cooler weather. I think we have gone straight to summer here.

  15. Hello from Idaho and stop in from Perth Daily Photo. Your weather is a little more advance them ours.
    My tulip are in bloom
    Coffee is on
