Saturday, May 20, 2017

Camera Tricks

I haven't used the on-board special effects setting on my camera in ages so I decided to give it a try on this photo of some cactus up against a white wall.  However, I just couldn't stop there.  I decided to take the same photo and try a few looks available on the photo editing tool I have on my iPad.  Here's the results.

A Kandinsky version.

A mosaic version.

And, a pop-art version!

Sometimes I start playing around with a photo and I can't seem to stop!
Hope you are having a fun weekend!


  1. Oh these are great fun! I love the mosaic and pop art versions!

  2. What a difference that tool makes for the same scene. Unfamiliar with it, but it looks like one could spend a lot of time experimenting with it.

  3. Isn't this fun? I really like the last version! Good job!

  4. Cool! I love the mosaic. I wonder how these effects would handle a more complicated photo, something with more detail? A face, for example?

  5. Interesting effects, Sharon !

  6. The mosaic is my favourite of these.

  7. Very different. Like the mosaic treatment the best. From the comments seemslike that's the most popular one.

  8. You did have fun Sharon 😀 I'm going with the first as my favourite, suits the style of the cactus perfectly!

  9. Who needs drawing lessons? I rather like the mosaic version.
