Friday, March 17, 2017

So Much Art, So Little Space

Here are a few more pieces of art that caught my eye at the Scottsdale Arts Festival last Friday.  These brilliant paintings are by Jennifer Cavan of Santa Fe New Mexico.

These ceramic pieces are by the husband and wife team Scott and Naomi Schoenherr of Laguna Beach California.  I thought I had seen these whimsical pieces before.  I bet I've seen them at one of the Laguna Beach art festivals.  The one pictured above is a Rolls Royce with two characters in the front, golf bags in the back and big Saguaro cactus just for fun.

Next we have another ceramic piece the I really liked.  It has a definite 'out of Africa' look to it.  This one is by another team, Barry and Rosalind Hage of Long Beach California.

(A lot of California artists at this event.)

There were a lot of talented artists at this event.  I'll have to remember to go again next year.


  1. So many great pieces of art! I love the fun ceramic cars - cheeky and quirky!

  2. I like the colorful paintings at the top. That elephant pot is a bit surreal!

  3. Those paintings would brighten up a room.

  4. Thanks Sharon,

    Your photos let me go to that museum when I can't physically be there. It is all very beautiful. I was going to tell you which of the colorful paintings by Jennifer Caven I liked best but I can't. I like them all. If I ever won the lottery I would be tempted to paper my walls with such beautiful art.


  5. Judging by what you have shown us that show had a lot of excellent quality work, Sharon!

  6. Oh stop it Sharon! I'm still having a hard time trying not to order one of Fred's vases from yesterday and now all these fabulous super arty creations 😀 Did you manage to go home empty handed?

  7. The ceramic cars are quite a treat to see!

  8. I like all of the pieces but the 4 churches are special.

  9. I love art fairs like this, but in Naples there are multiple fairs just about every weekend and I am getting burned out for the season. Yesterday I was on Fifth Avenue where a big art fair was being held and I just walked past it and went to Starbucks.
