Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Coffee House that Never Was

Back in January of 2010, I posted a photo of this mural/sign on a building in Phoenix Midtown.  It was going to be a coffee house.  At the time I posted the photo, I mentioned that construction seemed to be stalled.  I never expected that it would sit empty for 7 years.  I drove by recently and saw the sign looking rather shabby and a huge chain-link fence surrounding the whole building.  Even if the business never got off the ground, you would think the property would have been put to another use but, it seems the whole thing has died on the vine.

Click the link to see my old post and how bright the sign was back then.  (I can't believe how small my  photos used to be!)


  1. such a contrast! It's so weathered and defeated looking - a real pity.

  2. I'm guessing the business plan sank and the money left and the owner of the property is taking a tax break every year!

  3. It does seem odd that it has been vacant for so many years.

  4. All but one of the coffee cups has disappeared! Too bad that the business never got off the ground.

  5. Looking back at the last shot Sharon, I wonder if that main road had anything to do with the decision not to open if it was a cafe, maybe access was difficult? It does seem a bit odd that nothing has been done, it's a shame, was a good mural!

  6. That's a shame.

    There's a project here that's been stalled for a decade now, and the owner is nothing but excuses. This week he was blathering on again in the papers. I think the guy should be fined so heavily it bankrupts him.

  7. It's a mystery!
    It was fun looking at the comments from the original post and seeing all the old names that we don't hear from anymore - everyone except Kate. I think JM was the first person to comment on my blog who wasn't a friend of mine. I miss all of those people.

  8. I'm surprised Starbucks hasn't co-opted it. As we were driving through Prescott Valley yesterday I saw yet another Starbucks store here. I'm not sure how many there are now.

  9. Empty for seven years? The economic waste makes me ill.
