Thursday, March 16, 2017

Best of Show!

Last Friday I went with friends to the Scottsdale Arts Festival in the Scottsdale Civic Center Park.  I can't recall that I've ever gone to this show before and this year was the 47th.  There are so many arts festivals but, somehow I've missed this one.

However, I'm glad I made it to this one.  I got to meet Fred Stodder, the creator of these fabulous ceramic pieces.  I had never seen anything quite like these before.  They are in such bold colors and interesting shapes that give them a whole new dimension.  Fred lives in San Juan Capistrano, a beautiful southern California location.  Check his website to see more of his work.  Fred won the "Best in Show" prize for his work and it was his first trip to this show.  Congratulations Fred!

We went late in the afternoon on Friday and it couldn't have been a more perfect time.  There were no crowds and the late afternoon sun was lighting up the art just perfectly.

The other thing I liked about this show was the music.  There were two stages. When we entered, there was a band playing some great Latin rhythms.  They were called "Zona Libre".   On the other side of the park was this very colorful group called "Jerusafunk" and they were play some fantastic Klezmer sounds.

 I do enjoy a really good klezmer band and these guys were great.

Tomorrow I'll show you a few more of the great art works we saw here.


  1. I was really wowed by Fred Stodder's pieces from your first photo, Sharon! I love how bold & vibrant they are!

  2. Looks like a fun event. You can put it on your calendar for next year! :)

  3. Looks like a nice festival, I like especially your first photo.

  4. Those ceramics are really different! And I kinda love the Jerusafunk sax player's pants -- but I'm not sure I'd ever wear them!

  5. Looks like fun and a nice day to be outdoors.

  6. Amazing colours in those ceramic pieces!

  7. I like the hard edge aspect to those ceramic pieces, Sharon! Hope he did well!

  8. Oh my gosh Sharon, I love Fred's work, the link is fabulous, I'm seriously thinking about ordering one of his vases.. I'm having a hard time sticking to my minimalistic attitude ☺

  9. Stodder's vases are extraordinary!

  10. Wow! The colors of those ceramics absolutely jump off the screen!
