Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Warrior Armor

As promised yesterday, here are some more of the samurai armor that is on display at the Phoenix Art Museum right now.  This first one was extremely dramatic with the tall tail ornament called a "sashimono".  That is pretty darn spectacular, don't you think?

This parade of warriors was equally imposing and colorful.

The fellow in the back was well worth taking a closer look.

This fellow also makes quite a figure with his arrows and sword and to add that last fashionable detail, a fan!  

If you live in the Phoenix area, get over the art museum to see this exhibit.  It's well worth a look for both young and old.  


  1. They are amazing and look fearsome to see

  2. I'm thinking George Lucas (or someone) borrowed from these costumes when designing the armor for Star Wars. Similar helmets, don't you think?

  3. That's an interesting exhibit.

  4. Oh that last observation made me laugh Sharon, a fan and a fierce warrior don't seem to fit together 😀 tres impressive exhibition. Goodness the Washington weather you described really was diverse.. and extreme!

  5. Really awesome costumes, Sharon! Thanks for sharing!

  6. These are spectacular, Sharon! Wish I was there to see this exhibit!

  7. We saw some very similar things at the war or army museum in Paris. That first guy looks like he'd topple over and get stuck in the earth if he moved to far in any direction!

  8. These would be wonderful to see.
