Thursday, February 2, 2017

Sculptures at Home

When my friends and I were driving around last weekend looking at houses, we found a little hidden street in Scottsdale where we saw this house.  I almost missed those sculpted palm trees.  My friend pointed them out.  They are not the real kind but they do look real from a distance.

Nearby the palm tree sculpture, we saw this rather abstract buffalo hidden among the desert plants.  It was a very short street with only four houses on it but they certainly had a lot of things to admire.


  1. I love finding little surprises when I'm least expecting it. I love those palm tree sculptures!

  2. Interesting find. Getting off the beaten track was well worth it for you.

  3. That's a lovely home with the sculpted palm trees and the buffalo is really cool! Great finds!

  4. I wonder why they installed sculpted palm trees instead of planting real palm trees?! (The bison, on the other hand, I understand -- I'm sure it eats less than a real bison!)

  5. I could use those palm trees here for a tropical feel in mid winter!

  6. Beautiful palm sculptures, the buffalo is a bit scary, but also nice.

  7. How interesting! I like the buffalo and I never would have guessed those palm trees are not real.

  8. Never knew there were fake palm trees. I like the look and the buffalo is really cool.

  9. Gosh I'm not sure I would have realised the palms were sculptures if you hadn't said Sharon.. brilliant! The bison is astounding, surprisingly it sits there quite well 😊

  10. That's a gorgeous house (and entry). Not sure why one would need faux palms in Phoenix or why someone would put that gigantic beast in the yard, but to each his/her own. I would have no problem living in that place, though!

  11. There must be something wrong with me. I am invariably happy when I see public art, but when I see conspicuous art in a private home, I wonder about the residents. I need to be less judgmental.

    On second thought, nah!
