Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Theme Day: Loving Life

On the first day of every month, City Daily Photo Bloggers post a photo based on defined theme.  The theme for February is "Loving Life".  I chose this photo of my friend Glenda and her dog Stella on one of the "Dog Days" at the Desert Botanical Garden.  Stella and Glenda are the best of friends as you can easily see from this photo.  They were certainly loving life on this fun outing at the garden.

If you would like see other City Daily Photo Bloggers posts about Loving Life, click here.


  1. Sweet entry for the theme day, Sharon !

  2. oh i love this one and it's a great photo for your friend to frame!

  3. A good dog brings so much love to a person or a family. Obviously, that is the case here. Lovely photo for the theme, Sharon!

  4. Great photo and perfect for the theme.

  5. That is so sweet to see, Sharon! Super for the theme!

  6. This is so lovely and a great choice for the theme, Sharon.

  7. Hah! That is so perfect, Sharon. It is similar to an idea I had for the theme but did not execute. I was going to look for an elderly couple and try to persuade them to pose facing each other in silhouette, with a chaste kiss. I even had the couple in mind, but I never saw them at a convenient time to photograph them. Your friend and her dog in profile are a nice substitute.

  8. This pic says so much. Friendship, affection, companionship, pure love. Hope you are doing well!

  9. Dogs and people do seem to enjoy life more together -- especially when they go outside together. I see dogs enjoying walks with their humans every day.

  10. How sweet! Such a good choice for the theme.

  11. Oh I love this shot Sharon, so glad I didn't miss it. Man's best friend is definitely a recipe for a happy life 😊
