Friday, February 3, 2017

Through the Portal

Located at the Scottsdale Civic Center park is a sculpture that I've passed hundreds of times and never stopped to take a closer look.  I finally caught sight of this view point last weekend and I thought to myself 'why haven't you noticed that before'.  We are looking through a portal in sculpture toward the colorful Saguaro Hotel.

The sculpture itself is a large stainless steel three sided peak.  In fact, it's called Mountains and Rainbows by an artist named Jose Y. Bermudez.  It was commissioned by the city of Scottsdale back in 1975.


  1. You have no idea how many times I do that Sharon ☺ I like the way you could create a series of little vignettes using this sculpture.

  2. Great perspective through the portal! Those are wonderful brightly coloured buildings behind it too!

  3. This is what's cool about photography -- you can pass a place a hundred times and then, suddenly, one day, see it in a new way. Happens to me all the time! I love that colorful hotel. Makes me want to come to Scottsdale!

  4. A wonderful way to frame a shot, and it reminds me of the iceberg sculpture here.

  5. Not mad about it, I find it amazing what people will pay money for seems such a waste

  6. Very interesting post and I think we all do that kind of thing - passing by place or subjects until one day the light dawns. At first I thought this sculpture represented a teepee. You said you were at Silver Springs when a kid; that must have been just a few years ago, right?

  7. I like the first photo, it is nicely composed. I think we all have those moments when you think, how did I miss that, I've been by here hundreds of times and never noticed but then we do. :)

  8. The first shot came out nicely.
