Friday, January 20, 2017

Random and Unrelated

Today I have an assortment of random shots that are totally unrelated from each other.  Just a few things to ponder.

The MetLife blimp passing overhead.  Snoopy is always a pleasant sight.

Our recent weather.  Rain every now and then but grey skies a lot.

Heavy traffic!  I was glad I wasn't in the right lane.

A very odd mishap on this bumper.  I have no idea what could have caused that.

The area along a north Phoenix walking path. I thought there was a simple beauty to it.


  1. Nice pics, I like especially the one with the "wrinkled skin"! Which kind of cream could get rid of it? ;-)

  2. I found today's post interesting. The random shots work much better as group rather than individual postings. Now you have me thinking about doing it myself.

  3. Cool variety of photos Sharon! I found the trees on the pathway very pretty! And Snoopy always raises a smile!

  4. Nice assortment of photos. Looks like the bumper was melted. I know it gets hot there but....

  5. It's been a long time since I saw a blimp here...
    Nice selection, Sharon !

  6. You wonder sometimes with a fender bender like that why they don't get it fixed.

  7. Super series of shots Sharon, you know I'm going to love the rainy shot, like you we appreciate every drop we get 😊

  8. It has been grey &rainy here a lot too. i find it so depressing but at least it isn't snowing! ;-)

  9. That blimp usually signifies a golf tournament is underway. Love the rain. We've gotten some really bad storms of late and I don't like that. I think that bumper got up against some heat. Don't know how that could have happened but crazy things seem to be the order of the day if you get what I mean!

  10. Nice series of photos. I like the tree in the last image. They don't make cars like they used to, one bump is all it takes and you get a dent. The rain shot is nice too but we get that almost daily it seems.

  11. I love this collection. Every now and then I pick our a handful of unrelated images, too. Fun, wasn't it?

  12. The walking path is like a Zen garden! I think that bumper mishap is the result of a bad repair job, maybe?
