Thursday, January 19, 2017

Designer Duds for Men

When one grey day follows another grey day, it's time to spend a little time in a Museum and the Phoenix Art Museum always has something to inspire me.  A quick trip through the small fashion design gallery had me wondering if anyone I know would wear these suits.  Frankly, I couldn't think of a single person.  That red one is by Giles Montezin, the black one by Mitsuhiro Matsuda and the grey one is the design of Jean Paul Gaultier.  The description card on the grey one said it was a gift of Neiman Marcus Last Call.  I think that means it didn't sell.

Not to leave the women out of this post, here's the 2005 Kate Winslet Oscar dress designed by Badgley Mischka.  It's quite lovely and must have looked wonderful on Kate.


  1. The red checkered suit is my choice. ;) It's a stand out and conversation piece.

  2. I like the gray one, but where would a person wear something like that? Only to the Oscars. And most of us don't go to the Oscars! I couldn't even see it in a fancy restaurant -- maybe a nightclub.

  3. I'm going to stick to my cargo shorts and tee shirts, with an occasion outing in Levis and long-sleeves. God that's awful stuff those guys are wearing. Sorry, maybe my fashion sense has left the building. I do like that blue dress, though. Much!

  4. They do not look like my husband....

  5. I can't think of a guy who would wear those suits either. But the dress is nice.

  6. I definitely wouldn't!

    There's a yammering idiot who does hockey commentary up here named Don Cherry. He'd find the red checkerboard suit to be too understated.

  7. I just can't even picture my husband in any of those suits!!!
    I love Kate's blue dress though!

  8. I can't think of anyone I know who would wear these either. Pretty ugly!

  9. I wouldn't wear those either but occasionally you do see someone wear these type of outrageous clothes. Must want some attention, I guess.

  10. Some rock singers might like that red suit.

  11. Oh lordy the red checked suit made me lol Sharon.. it would take a confident chap to wear that one.. but I'd like to see it 😀😀

  12. I have moments when I wish I had the . . . courage . . . to wear a suit like that. But, I was a serious professional man and the wildest I ever got was a gray glen plaid suit.
