Saturday, January 21, 2017

A Bleak Day

It was a bleak day in Phoenix yesterday.  Grey clouds, rainy and cold.  Well, cold by desert standards.  I drove around for a little while looking for some good rainy day shots but, only a few turned up.

I think the weather was matching my mood because I felt like it was a bleak day in America too.  To sum up my feelings for yesterday;  Out with a class act and in with a crass act.


  1. Yup, fasten your seat belt, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

  2. It was certainly not an easy day to get through for many people.

  3. It sounds too silent.

  4. Phoenix looks good in grey ☺ The world felt your pain Sharon, hopefully he will be held accountable!

  5. Everyone's wary of what that... man is going to do.

    Even calling him a man is an insult to my half of the species.

  6. Your Phoenix weather matches the mood of Washington...darkness has fallen and sadness has taken hold and despair is in the offing. Even amidst the glitter and gold of the inaugural festivities, he still looks like a carnival barker, conning the gullible from the back of an old wagon.

  7. It is the same weather and mood here, Sharon!

  8. Odd to think of a glum day in usually sunny Phoenix.

  9. It was definitely a bleak day everywhere! But your pictures manage to make it look beautiful nonetheless.
