Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Recap of my Recent Trip, part 2

On one of my days in London, I took a day trip along with my blogging friend Mo of Fresh Eyes on London to see a really famous pile of rocks located on the Salisbury plain.  I bet most of you recognize Stonehenge.  I was there once before when I took my father to London way back in 2000.  I was surprised at how much it had changed in 16 years.  Not the 5000 year old monument, but the visitors center and the access to it.

My friend Mo also went with me to the Tate Modern to see the Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit there.  It was 13 rooms of some of her most outstanding works of art.  She also took me to the observation area located on the 10th floor of the new addition to the Tate.  The view from up there was spectacular and you can walk all the way around the tower to get a full 360 degree view.

I also met another blogging friend, Steve for the first time.  I've followed his blog, Shadows & Light for about 5 years but we had never met in person.  Steve took me on a beautiful walk in West Hampstead along with his energetic dog Olga.  We had a great time enjoying what had started as a soggy day and had wonderfully turned to sunshine just for our meeting.

My trip wasn't without some of that colorful British pageantry that tourists flock to the land to see.  I usually avoid the changing of the guard ceremony because of the huge crowds but, without even thinking about it I headed toward Buckingham Palace and immediately saw that I had arrived at exactly the ceremony that I had avoided in the past.  So, using my telephoto to shoot between the heads of the crowd, I snapped a few shots of those Royal Guards at work.

That's just a quick summary from a fabulous trip.  I'll post many more photos on my travel site, Sharon's Sojourns when I get them organized.  I post to that site every Sunday with photos from my travels.


  1. Looks like you left no stone unturned on your trip. ;)

  2. You had a great trip though I do feel we get ripped off at Stonehenge. When I was young you never had to pay

  3. Fantastic snapshots of your trip Sharon! The view from the Tate over London is marvellous!

  4. Yay! I made your blog! And Olga too. :)

    It was a pleasure to meet you and I'm glad our walk worked out so well!

    As for the Changing of the Guard, it's one of those things that everybody should see once. You know? Now you can cross it off your list.

  5. Gosh you sure packed a lot into this trip Sharon, you must have been exhausted when you arrived home ☺ So much fun to meet and spend time with fellow bloggers.

  6. More great pictures and I look forward to seeing some on your travel blog.

  7. More great pics. How did you manage to get the guards without all the tourists? Well done.

  8. I wondered if you were meeting up with Mo after your adventures that you two had the last time you were there! Sounds like you had a great time, Sharon!

  9. My, oh my what a wonderful trip you had. I can't say I like that view of London with its modern skyline but I guess everything changes in time.

  10. Stonehenge is one of those other places I'd love to see. I imagine a lot of the changing of the guards ceremony is similar to what we see here.

  11. Looks like it was an exciting trip! I have such a backlog of shots for my travel blog...

  12. Thanks for sharing this part of your trip and for your always gorgeous photographs. I'd probably have passed on the tower, though, not being a fan of heights! Looks like you had good weather, too. That 2nd shot doesn't look like the foggy, misty, rainy London that has become the stereotype. So glad you had such a wonderful time!
