Monday, October 10, 2016

Recap of my Recent Trip

I thought I'd do a little recap of my recent trip to London and Paris.  I arrived in London midday on September 22nd and checked in to my hotel for the night located directly across the street from St. Pancras Station because the following morning I left bright and early for Paris on the Eurostar.

I went to Paris to meet two close friends from Chicago who were in Paris for a family celebration.  We spent that Friday and part of Saturday enjoying one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

On late Saturday afternoon, I took the Eurostar back to London and checked in to my hotel for the rest of the trip conveniently located right on Russell Square in the Bloomsbury area of London.  It was only short walk from the hotel to the British Museum so of course, I visited the many treasures on display at that incredible museum.   I think you could visit there a hundred times and still not see it all.

I spent a lot of time exploring areas of London that I hadn't visited before and my location made it easy to walk to many of them.  For the first two days, I didn't use the tube once, I walked everywhere.  On one such occasion I found myself along with many others wondering what this parade of police on horseback represented.  I'll probably never know what that was all about but, I enjoyed seeing it.

I spent one whole day exploring the Lincoln's Inn, Royal Courts of Justice and Temple areas of London.  I had never spent time in this area before so it was a bit of treat to visit an area of London so steeped in history and totally dominated by the legal profession.

Imagine my surprise when I turned on to Regent Street known for it's prestigious shopping destinations to find American flags flying and the NFL logo hung predominately across the street.  Apparently American football is making it's mark in England these days.  I'm not sure if that's good or bad.  Not being a fan of the game, I'll leave that up to others.

Tomorrow I'll have one more summary from the trip!


  1. Wow! What a fantastic trip Sharon! Thanks for sharing these highlights! Wonderful to see them through your lens!

  2. I don't know what was going on with the cops on horseback. Interesting!

    Love your photos, as always. :)

  3. Many thanks Sharon to let us participate.
    Nice photos of a city I haven't visited yet.

  4. Great photos! I don't know how you can choose from over 1500 pictures. I look forward to seeing them all.

  5. What a fantastic trip! I have yet to go on the Eurostar. It's on the list :).

  6. And the name of the hotel near Russell Square is......?

  7. Hi Roseann. It was called The Imperial.

  8. I've always stayed in the Bloomsbury area of London and like you have found that you can walk everywhere! What a nice trip you had, Sharon!

  9. What a wonderful trip and wonderful photos and I thank you very much for sharing these and I'll look forward to as many photos of Paris and London as you wish to publish - I'm a little partial to Paris but then I've never been to London. :)

  10. When we went to Europe in 1985 our first stop was at the Hotel Russell. While Judy took a nap to get over jet lag I went for a walk and discovered the British Museum. It was the first of what were to be many great thrills.

  11. Gosh what a dream trip Sharon, I wish so much Perth wasn't so far away from every where☺ but I will enjoy the trip vicariously through your shots, merci beaucoup!

  12. Excellent shots. I would love to spend time in London and Paris.

  13. So glad you had a good time over here in the UK
