Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Hello There!

I took a walk at the Desert Botanical Garden on Sunday and look who greeted me near the entrance. Mr. Roadrunner in the flesh...ah...feathers.  He watched me for a moment and then....

....he moved to the sidewalk and paused for a moment and.....

...and zoom, he was gone.

I checked my photo library and it looks like I haven't been to the garden since May.  That's a pretty long time for me.  Usually we have one or two summer days that have been cooled enough by rain to make a quick, early morning walk feasible but, this year I don't think we had any.  


  1. Beep, beep! Cute little roadrunner. Great photos of the critter! Love that botanical garden!

  2. Cute little guy!
    Do they also fly or "only" run?

  3. You have to be quick with these guys.

  4. Very distinctive!

    My childhood was ruined when I found out coyotes actually are faster than road runners. :)

  5. Those roadrunners look positively pre-historic and when they decide to leave they can scamper!

  6. Lucky you caught him before he took off! Great photos!

  7. He looks cute - looks like his feathers are all puffed up!

  8. Oh my that is a pretty intense stare it's giving you in the first shot there Sharon ☺ I thought it was a while since you visited the botanical gardens. We had our first taste of summer yesterday.. thank goodness it was temporary 😊😊
