Thursday, October 13, 2016

Mystery Plant

When I was at the garden on Sunday I saw this new plant back in the demonstration garden.  There was no sign on it so I have no idea what is is but I like it!

I love those long fuzzy blooms with the hot pink tips.

Do you "plant people" out there have any ideas?

Added:  Chenille Plant it is!  Thank you!  Now that you mention it, it does remind me of a Chenille bedspread my grandmother had when I was a little kid.


  1. The best I could up with is the Chenille Plant. If you don't get an answer to this mystery call it the Caterpillar Plant. :)

  2. Chenille it is. We call it Kattsvans.

  3. Nice! I was going to guess chenille plant, too. Really. I swear.

  4. A chenille plant is new to me but it does look so unusual and attractive!

  5. This pretty is a new one to me Sharon, it's extremely photogenic.. and yes, a wee bit caterpillar looking, although Chenille sounds much more elegant 😊

  6. Whatever it is, it's gorgeous!

  7. I go with that Andy said! And it is quite pretty and exotic.

  8. Toni Tenille? Chenile? Whatever It's name, it is very pretty but are you sure those wormy-looking blooms aren't growing and slowly coming after you?

  9. I would have called it a snaky plant!

  10. It is called a White Caterpillar-Like Plant withe Maroon Tip Dips.

    You're welcome.

  11. Amanda, you're right! We have this exact plant and have been trying to find out what it was, and by finally putting the word "fuzzy" into my search, I found this blog. Everyone else that said it's the celosia is mistaken, but you got it right! It's a beautiful plant and we love it. Thank you!
