Friday, October 14, 2016

Just Above the Mountain

I noticed this big white cloud hanging over Camelback Mountain a few days ago and I grabbed my camera.  It looked like it was just hanging right over the mountain and nowhere else.  Maybe it got snagged on the camel's hump and couldn't move away for a while.  It finally moved on because the next day there wasn't a cloud in the sky!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No mountains where I live so always look at them with awe. In this case the cloud turned out to be a bonus.

  3. Fabulouso! Mountains quite often have dramatique cloud formations over them.. there's got to be a scientific reason 😊 Have a good weekend Sharon.

  4. Clouds do seem to hang over the mountains for some reason. It made a nice picture.

  5. Almost like a second mountain, isn't it?

  6. That is a spectacular cloud, Sharon!

  7. Love these kinds of cloud formations. And up against the mountain and blue sky, this one is especially spectacular!

  8. I think there really is something about mountains that creates precipitation, but don't ask me to explain it. Warm air being forced upward, maybe? Anyway, it's a cool shot!

  9. Wonderful composition - two levels and qualities of mountains.

  10. Isn't it exciting to look up and see a big white cloud yelling "Take my picture!"?
