Sunday, October 2, 2016

Basement Bicycle

The basement at Blanco Tacos & Tequila at Biltmore Fashion Park is where you will find the restrooms and the meeting and party rooms.  Also found down there is this bicycle parked in a corner.  The first time I ventured down there I thought maybe it was an employee's bike and they had parked it there for safekeeping.  But it appears that it's just part of the decor.  It sure is a nifty bike.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  The subject is an ancient arena that is still in use today.


  1. Cool bike! It was great seeing you yesterday! :)

  2. Someone has taken good care of this bike. Did you take a spin?

  3. Most, if not all, of metro Phoenix is flat enough for bikes. This one is stylist. If you took the picture sitting on the pavement it could disappear into your cloudless skies.

  4. I love the colour & I've noticed a trend in using bikes for decor interest.
