Monday, October 3, 2016


I pass by this church occasionally and finally one day I stopped to get a photograph.  Since that time I've been trying to find out what church it is before I posted a photo of it.  Right before I left on my trip, I drove by there and stopped to look for a sign and there wasn't one which I found even more curious.  So after searching all kinds of references on Encyclopedia Google, I finally found the story behind this building and wow, what a story it is.

It so happens that this church was once the home of an internationally known evangelist named Neal Frisby and it was called Capstone Cathedral.  I stumbled across a lengthy article about the man who passed away in 2005 and how he gave his entire fortune and properties to a former wide receiver for the Green Bay Packers instead of to his children.  If you enjoy a good read, you might want to check out this article.  It is a fascinating story.

Sadly, the building is showing a need for some TLC.  Apparently, the Frisby home that was next door to this church at one time was torn down.

Robert Brooks, the man who got all of Frisby's money and property still owns this building.  He became a minister and was preaching from here but, I can't tell if that is still happening.  It really looks like the building sits empty all of the time.


  1. It does look extraterrestrial!

  2. It looks more like something you'd expect out of a cult than a church.

  3. I remember Robert Brooks as a Packers player, but never knew this story. I imagine the family of the man who endowed him with this structure and money was not too happy. It is very, very strange. I wonder about the relationships?!
