Friday, May 27, 2016

Scooters are for Scooting

I saw these two cute little scooters parked in front of a sidewalk cafe in downtown Phoenix.  The cafe was closed at the time so I wondered if they might belong to the people preparing to open up.  I love the Italian flag paint job on the one on right.


  1. I love this Italian style.
    They are popular here in Norway too.

  2. Now they are called Vespas and are bad any self-respecting Mod would ride a Lambretta which is good. Mind you the Vespa 180SS was not bad

  3. Very clever paint job there :) such a cool way to get from A to B!

  4. Oh, Sharon. . .PERFECT! One for me and one for you. Can't you see us sailing through the streets of Phoenix and St. Paul?!

  5. Oh, the Vespas ! A dream for each Italian guy in the decades ago.

  6. I remember reading about Vespas when I was a high school student studying European languages. At the time I had no idea what they were!

  7. Vespa means wasp in Italian. It's named after the sound the engine makes.

  8. They are cool & nippy about town!

  9. I love these things and would buy one in a minute if I could think of a good reason to do so. When we lived in Phoenix, my friend had a scooter - kind of part motorcycle and part scooter - it was great and I would ride to school with him almost every day. Sheesh, now I can't even think of his name. Shackleford, maybe?

  10. They always look like so much fun!

  11. I've always wanted a Vespa. But now it might not be safe for me (or anyone else) on the road!

  12. If I wanted a scooter, which I don't, I would want that Italian flag scooter.
