Saturday, May 28, 2016

Praise for the Humble Burger

Today is National Hamburger Day!  What?? you say!  ;-)  Ever since I found that National Recognition Day website, I have found some very quirky and strange national recognition days.  It seems every day of the year has some sort of designation and most have more than one.  But, since today is the day to celebrate the burger, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to introduce you to a new "favorite" burger of mine.

This new place is called Hopdoddy Burger Bar and it's the second one to open in the Phoenix Metro area however, it's completely new to me.  I had never heard of them before.  They advertise sustainably harvested vegetables, fish and hormone free meats and they make all their own condiments and soft drinks.

The dining concept is unique in that you order your burger from a counter service and they then assign you a table and a server.  You go to the assigned table and the server takes over from there, bringing you anything you need after that.  I've been about six times now since it opened in February and the burgers are consistently good as is the friendly service.  As you can see from the top photo, my favorite burger is the one with the poblano chili on it along with bacon, cheese, tomato and lettuce.  It's delicious.

Strange name, but great burgers!  Happy National Hamburger Day!


  1. A great reason to order a burger & enjoy! Looks like a cool place!

  2. That burger looks so delicious!

  3. Drat! I wish I'd read this earlier Sharon, I'm rather partial to a burger now and then.. there are times when only a burger will do :) your burger looks so yum!

  4. Well, although I haven't had a burger in ages, I'll hop to it and find a good one today to celebrate! Doubt that I can find one to compare favourably with yours!! Thanks also for the tip on the website; I'll have to take a look at it!

  5. Good grief! I forgot all about today being National Hamburger Day! :) Looks like a good burger and a nice place and I like their approach to serving food. We have a new hamburger place, too. It's call Burger 21 and I've heard it's just "so-so," but they do serve beer and wine. That brings in a few more folks!

  6. It occurs to me that I haven't had a burger in a very long time.

  7. Happy National Hamburger Day, Sharon !

  8. Sounds like a good day! The burger looks good, Sharon!

  9. The restaurant looks like fun but I had not heard of that fascinating website. Interesting to find that my birthday is National Cherry Pie Day (I don't have a sweet tooth) and National Love Your Pet Day (we don't have any). On the other hand, it's also Ansel Adam's birthday so it's okay.

  10. That burger looks delicious! Doing some research via the Google I learned that the chain is headquartered in Austin, Texas, having opened their first location in 2011. The name comes from hops, an ingredient in the beer they serve, and doddy, which is a nickname for the Black Angus cattle which provide the meat for their burgers.

  11. Sharon, can you really open your mouth wide enough to eat that burger???
