Tuesday, March 29, 2016


When I visited the garden on Sunday, this fellow flew right over my head and landed in the tree right next to me.  Then he proceeded to sing a rather happy tune.  I looked it up in my Arizona Birds book and I think it's a Northern Mockingbird.  I was just impressed at how friendly he seemed and not the least bit shy.


  1. I was going to say, that's a mockingbird! It's so amazing to listen to them sing -- the variety of sounds they make. The ones in Florida used to crack me up sometimes. They're so vocally ENERGETIC.

  2. Sweet and beautifully photographed! Pity there's no soundtrack! :-)

  3. It is a lovely detailed photo of a beautiful bird. What a lovely capture, Sharon!

  4. Nice sharp pictures with all the details of the feathers. If s/he lives in or around the garden contact with people is nothing new.

  5. Super shot of this sweet little bird Sharon, of course I had to Google the sounds of the mockingbird to hear what it sounds like also, very pretty .
