Monday, March 28, 2016

Bongo Drums & Cactus Blooms

I took a short walk at the Desert Botanical Garden yesterday.  Short because I didn't get there until around 2:00 PM and the afternoon sun was pretty intense.  I was walking past a large bed of cactus when I spotted this one in the distance with the little yellow blooms on it.  I was trying to make out the sign to see what it was and I had myself convinced that it said "Bongo Drums".  Well, they sort of look like bongo drums, don't they?  Maybe it's time for an eye exam.  Anyway, it wasn't until I downloaded the photos that I saw what the name really is.  And, what an unusual name it is: Biznaga Dorada!

As you can see, there were plenty of cactus blooms to admire along the way.  Next time I go it will be first thing in the morning before the sun becomes too brutal.    Bongo Drums, I'm still chuckling over that one.


  1. Wow. The cactus flowers are so beautiful.

  2. Don't try to play on them, just saying...

  3. Lol @ Stefan... These are gorgeous macros Sharon.
    And I love your Easter bunny! Hope you had a lovely day!
    And thanks so much for all your comments while I was away!

  4. Cacti always have the most amazing flowers. I think Bongo Drums is a great name, although as Stefan said, don't try them out. :)

  5. Oh I love all the comments above :) Totally gorgeous cactus blooms Sharon.. I've said it before it never ceases to amaze me how exotic these flowers are, what a treat to behold, merci beaucoup for showing.. Bongo drums haha!

  6. A funny story and some beautiful plants!

  7. Such beautiful intense colours, Sharon!

  8. Beautiful blooms. Looks like the next couple of days are going to be cooler down there. And up here.

  9. You could only play these drums with the heaviest of gloves.

  10. Cacti certainly are fascinating. You wouldn't want to touch those!

  11. I think that I enjoy flowers on different cacti are among my favourites!
