Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Secret Gardens

I stop at the Royal Palms Resort often just to wander around the grounds and find all the little hidden spots.

There are secret passages with private gardens inside.

And fountains that only certain guests get to see.  These three photos were all taken on the west side of the resort.  I was recently there for a photo shoot and found more great places on the east side.  I need to go back and get some photos of those places to show you.


  1. Looks like a great place. Maybe Dave and I should schedule a Phoenix vacation!

  2. Secret gardens are always the nicer ones...

  3. I love to see "secret gardens", they are mostly so pretty !

  4. Hidden spots are always the best Sharon :) Love these little glimpses into this exotic resort, what a nice spot it would be to stay!

  5. Lush and delightful. You have to be pretty sharp to find secret gardens. We had a secret garden at our first house in Ocala...a fenced in place on the side of the house, filled with orange and grapefruit trees and with huge was great.

  6. Oh my, this sort of reminds me of Santa Fe. I absolutely adore this!

  7. How nice to have a secret private garden!

  8. What a super place to have a wander (with camera in hand).

  9. When we lived in Mexico, one of the houses we rented had an interior patio with many potted plants and a fountain. It was my favorite "secret garden".

  10. How lovely! I wouldn't mind sitting on that comfy looking bench for awhile.

  11. Please do. Some of these places have a confidential tranquility.

  12. i love these treasures you find

  13. I am working backwards from today (Sunday, March 6) and I am dismayed that I missed so many of your great posts. Catching up is hard so I need to be more disciplined about CDP but life sometimes gets busy and complicated!!
