Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Theme Day: Where I Belong

This month's theme is "Where I Belong" and since Phoenix is my home, I think that's where I belong.  I love the warm days, the blue skies and the landscape dotted with mountains and buttes.  And, of course my favorite view of Camelback Mountain.

To see how other City Daily Photo Bloggers have expressed where they belong, click here.


  1. When I think of Arizona, Camelback Mountain always comes to mind. Lovely shot.

  2. It's always good to feel like you belong right where you are. And with that kind of view, I don't blame you.

  3. What a wonderful light, Sharon !

  4. Positively glows, wonderful image!

  5. When I think of Arizona I think of you Sharon! Excellent choice for today.

  6. A perfect shot for an explanation of your "heimat."

  7. You belong to a great place!

  8. That mountain seems to be beckoning me!

  9. Camelback is very special. I think I mentioned before that Lois' grandmother came down to Phoenix from Minneapolis on a bus to visit us. I don't know how old she was then, but she was no spring chicken. One thing she insisted on doing was climbing Camelback before she went home. We got about 1/2 way up!

    Re your comment on Ocala: That may well be where the quote came from. There's another quote though, I'm quite sure of: "Oh, crap!" :)

  10. I can see why you like Phoenix. We visited a few years ago and I really liked it. What a great view, too!

  11. I've come to think of Camelback mountain as Phoenix! Love the light Sharon!

  12. Camelback Mountain is what I remember the most about visiting Phoenix and you certainly picked the perfect time of day to photograph it Sharon! Gorgeous light.

  13. Hard to mistake, isn't it? I'm sorry I didn't have time to do something for the theme. Maybe I belong behind a big lens anywhere in the world.

  14. Arizona is where my heart is - lived half of my life there in the desert. Love the view of majestic Camelback Mountain!

  15. This is fabulous, Sharon! When I hear of Phoenix I always think of you.
