Thursday, March 3, 2016

Pizza with a View

I had dinner at a new pizzeria located just up the street from me a few nights ago.  And, when I say "up" the street I do mean up.  My street heads up the mountain toward the Phoenix Mountain Preserve and this new place is at the very top with the preserve just across the road.  That made sitting on the patio facing the mountains a great option.

The place is called Base Pizzeria and they pride themselves on organic ingredients that have been locally sourced.  My pizza with crushed tomatoes and spicy sausage was delicious!  I'll be back for the view and the pizza.

I was there until after dark and I noticed all the flashlights I could see very high up on the mountain.  It always amazes me the number of people who go hiking up those mountain trails after dark.


  1. And what a great view that is too.

  2. Oh la! What an excellent recipe for success Sharon.. The view would have been an enticement alone, the pizza is a yummy bonus :)

  3. A pizza with a great view is much better than only a pizza, isn't it ?

  4. After dark hiking in the mountains just makes me think of RATTLERS!

  5. Nice place! I'd certainly try out their pizza. I remember when in high school, we would ride a motor scooter up in that area. But I wouldn't walk it at night. We saw gila monsters and rattlesnakes! Yikes!

  6. Fantastic view! Sounds like a nice place.

  7. I love pizza, so I'm sure I'd find much to like on the menu!

  8. I love pizza and a view can always help!

  9. Make a reservation here when I come over. What a superb view.

  10. I can hardly wait to be eating outside on a patio but none here will have a view like that one, Sharon!

  11. Well at least they aren't flashing their phones during movies... What a lovely place Sharon. If I could, I'd join you!

  12. That is a nice view! I think it would be fun to watch the night time hikers, but I would never do it myself.

  13. We got no desert and no mountains. Plenty of white wine, though. It's a consolation.

  14. Terrific view with good pizza. What more could you ask for?! I'd settle for that plus another glass of white wine and one of those blankets on display.
