Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Going to waste...

I posted the above photo on February 25, 2011 to show this ranch style house with the wonderful flowering pear trees in the front.  I mentioned that the house was for sale and you can see the sign post on the right side of the photo.

I drove by the house over the weekend was shocked to see it sitting empty with all three of those lovely pear trees dead and that lush green lawn completely gone.  I have no idea what happened at this place but it's certainly sad to see a house just waste away.  I could see straight through the window so I know it's currently empty but there is no "For Sale" sign on the property at this time.  It's located in a very nice upscale neighborhood on a highly visible corner lot so I imagine that the neighbors find this as distressing as I do.  What a shame.


  1. It is definitely waiting for a new owner...

  2. Yes it really is shocking. Sad.

  3. What a difference, that's terrible.

  4. Oh that is a shame. I guess if there wasn't any water going on that garden over the last few hot summers it didn't have a chance. Keep us posted Sharon.

  5. Got to wonder what happened. Maybe a foreclosure and the bank didn't keep it up. Good bones, though. Someone might pick it up at a good price and bring it back to life. I hope!

  6. As soon as it hits the market, someone will gobble this prime piece up fast. I have no doubt. There must be a backstory here, somewhere.

  7. Oh, those poor trees. I bet whoever bought it plans to tear it down and build something new.

  8. That is so distressing to see, Sharon! I bet a bank is involved somehow.

  9. That is very, very sad. Maybe it's gone into foreclosure or someone died? :-(

  10. Can we put a Syrian family in it?

  11. What a shock! The story behind the whole thing would probably be sad to hear about.

  12. Haunted? There has to be a story behind this, if only a divorce or inheritance fight.

  13. The difference is alarming! I think that Bob Crowe is probably right.

  14. NO! It is sad to see a once lovely home becoming an eyesore like this. There is indeed a story here . . .
