Thursday, October 8, 2015

Across the Street

Across the street from the sad looking house I showed you yesterday is this very nice modern home.  Most of the front windows on this place are made of those glass blocks so I'm guessing that all the big windows face the back.  That's probably a good thing in this case.  If it had big windows in front it would have to view that dying house.


  1. Certainly a sad sight to look out onto each day, just shows how quickly things can fall into disrepair if they aren't maintained.

  2. The house has beautiful straight lines. Would be fun to see both the back and the interior.

  3. Now I'm curious to know what their proper view is Sharon :)

  4. I usually do not like modern homes, but I would do an exception for this one!

  5. This is stunning. And so very "Phoenix" like.

  6. I like those block windows but not a fan of grass landscaping in such a dry area as Phoenix. I'm hearing about towns that have run out of ground water.

  7. I like these Spanish style homes and this one appears to have a grand entrance.

  8. Being a huge fan of modern architecture I like this place a lot! But they could use a bit of xeroscaping and less grass.

  9. It looks quite large. I prefer a traditional design, but I'd still love to see the interior.

  10. I would never have thought this was a home had I not read your post. It is a little too modern for me, but I'd like to see inside too. Quite a contrast to the one from yesterday!

  11. I sure hope there are plenty of big windows on the other side, or this big place would be very, very dark and depressing inside.
