Thursday, October 29, 2015

Bugs in the Garden

I took the above photo on October 2nd at the Desert Botanical Garden.  I noticed that there was something on the flower besides the butterfly when I took the photo but, I didn't realize it was such a large group of aphids.

I took this picture on October 26th on the very same plant.  I'm sure the garden does not use chemicals to so they either introduced some ladybugs or they used a soap and water solution.  Whatever they did, those aphids are all gone now.


  1. Looks like there is an abundance of butterflies. . .much better than aphids! Those delicate creatures are so lovely and their migration to México is such a miracle of nature, I think

  2. Its colours match the time of year perfectly!

  3. Great macros, Sharon, with beautiful colors !

  4. Both great pictures! Whatever their method of aphid control, I'd love to know about it, because that's a frequent summertime battle around here...

  5. Gorgeous shots of the butterflies Sharon. I hate aphids, the strange thing is that they attack some of my roses and not others even though they are side by side.. Mysterious ughy little creatures :)

  6. I had planted milkweed for the Monarch butterflies and the aphids went crazy all over the plants. It was quite ugly to see.

  7. When I came home from holiday, my snapdragons were all but gone... Whatever they did, that was a job well done and both your photos are gorgeous!

  8. I didn't notice the aphids until reading your descriptions. What I saw was a gorgeous orange-ish butterfly on a beautiful orange-ish flower against perfect green background. What a color combination.
