Friday, October 30, 2015

The Gangs all Here

When I visited the art museum a couple of weeks ago, I took the opportunity to drive past my old house and see if the neighbors had their large array of Halloween guests out in the yard.  Indeed they did. It looks like that gang has arrived and are once again gracing their host with their presence.

A funny thing happened while I was standing there, the skies were getting rather storming looking when I left the museum and when I arrived here there was a decidedly dark cloud approaching from the south.  While I was standing on the sidewalk taking photos, a huge gust of wind swooped up and blew one of the creepy characters over right onto me.  Fortunately, I was more worried about the branches of the tree slapping me around than these guys but, I did get back in the car and headed out after that incident.


  1. Very spooky! Good to see them all again though,stay safe this weekend!

  2. Goodness me that's taking Halloween decoration to a who!e new level Sharon :) oh my, I think I would have been freaked out too if one of this 'gang' had landed on me :)

  3. Glad you escaped; wouldn't want you to become a permanent par at of this awesome display.

  4. Yeah, you definitely wouldn't want to attract the attention of the Grim Reaper!

  5. They are a bit scary, only a bit...

  6. OK, I don't even know what to say about that. YIKES!

  7. That must have been creepy, Sharon! What a display these people put on!

  8. Funny, but not too much... Nice pictures, by the way!

  9. Such a huge team! Were they going to roam the streets around??

  10. This is the only kind of creeps I like.

  11. Oh my goodness, how I wish I had something like this to photograph!!!

  12. Oh good grief! I'm wondering how many recognized you! I hope nobody said, "Y'all come back soon!"

    I'm working out of if you want to stop by! :)

  13. Wow! This person really goes all out!

  14. Look at that! I don't think I have ever seen such an extensive Halloween display.

  15. That's a pretty funny Halloween story.
