Sunday, February 1, 2015

Theme Day: What would you miss?

City Daily Photo Bloggers all post on one subject on the fist of the month and this month's theme is "What would you miss if you had to move from your city to somewhere else".  Well, I'm sure that most of you would guess that I would miss the Desert Botanical Garden, cactus blooms, wild love birds, roadrunners and good Mexican food.  But, what I would miss most of all is my circle of really great friends.  There is simply no way around it.  If I have to move, they have to move too!

To see what other City Daily Photo Bloggers would miss about their cities, click here.


  1. Its definitely too hard to pick one thing that you would miss most about a place you love, but the people we love make any place even more special!

  2. Those are all really great things, that I'm sure you would miss.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. Phoenix is definitely your town!

  4. Great collage to illustrate your many interest, and I think I see at least one familiar face there. Chihuly's art is included, and I love it as well!

  5. I knew the DBG would be in there somewhere. Nice collage.

  6. Your collage speaks volumes. Thank you for sharing your likes if you had to move.

  7. For sure Phoenix is a special place, especially this time of year. ;)

  8. I know the feeling Sharon.. I guessed the Botanical Gardens might feature, you do enjoy and get wonderful shots whenever you go.

  9. Love your choice for the theme day. Well done!

  10. There are a number of things I miss about Phoenix but mostly I miss First Fridays and the Art Detour in Spring.

  11. That's a lovely declaration of love to your city and friends!

  12. I thought you would have the Garden in there - and I agree that it is the people who make a place special!

  13. Glad to see the roadrunner & lovebirds in there! ;-))

  14. Fabulous post and wonderful reasons to never move away!

  15. Great collage, Sharon!
    The Desert Botanical Garden is definitely yours!

  16. Love this collage/montage! Your friends look so nice and I think one can put up with some of the less desirable things about a place if he or she has a cadre of good friends!

  17. A splendid collage! I assumed the garden would fit in your post somehow.

  18. Botanical garden. Friends. Botanical garden. Friends. A close call but a good choice!

  19. All the best of desert living and good friends to boot. It sounds like a very, very good life!

  20. A wonderful choice for this month's theme.

  21. What a lovely, thoughtful post for theme day.
