Monday, February 2, 2015

Misty Morning

Sunday morning opened up with a huge fog covering the entire valley and further south.  In fact, I heard on the news that it was foggy all the way down to Tucson.  The first report I heard said it would burn off by 10:00 AM but at 10:00 it was every bit as thick as it was when I woke up.  It did start to burn off at noon and soon cleared up into pretty day.

I grabbed my camera around 8:00 AM and headed out to take some photos to share with you.  More to come in the future.


  1. Very atmospheric, fog makes for great photos!

  2. Always interesting with misty scenes.

  3. I love foggy shots and will look forward to more of them. I think with Phoenix being in a valley, the fog takes longer to burn off 'cause it's mixed with other elements.

    I remember the smog in L.A. in the 40s. Sometimes you couldn't see across the street!

  4. I like foggy scenes. There is always so much mood in them. These are really great!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  5. Misty comes from mystery ?
    These photos are so mysterious, I like them!

  6. Such a rare thing to have fog, I would have been out in it too. We had fog but only at night. By morning it was gone. I like that first shot, perfect foggy scene. I heard that some flights into Phoenix were canceled because of it. I bet there were some upset Super Bowl ticket holders on those planes.

  7. Fog presents good problems for the camera.

  8. All was quiet at 8 am! Love both of these shots!

  9. Well I for one am glad you did, because these are such beautifully atmospheric photos!

  10. Definitely an unusual occurrence for Phoenix. So glad you were able to share it with us.

  11. It certainly does offer up great atmospheric photo opportunities.

  12. Wonderful shots Sharon, especially the one with the palm trees! We had fog here this morning too, but it burned off pretty quickly.

  13. We had an email from a friend who moved to Sun City a couple of months ago. She said she set out for church, got lost in the fog and it took her four attempts to find it! Now THAT'S pea soup!

  14. Fog in Phoenix? Seems a bit unnatural to me.

  15. So gorgeous Sharon, love the tall palms disappearing up into the mist.

  16. Makes for some nice atmospheric photos.

  17. It gives such a sweet look. I like Number 2 very much.

  18. I love the red curbs in that second photo, and the shadowy palms! Very nice!

  19. Both of these are lovely. Too often when there is fog, I stay inside. I need to push myself and my camera outdoors.
