Thursday, February 19, 2015

Procsciutto and happiness

This sign was hanging on the wall in a downtown restaurant and I didn't pay much attention to it until I was about to leave.  Then I noticed the funny twist on words.  A very clever American twist on a very Italian product.


  1. A humorous sign, Sharon !
    I've never seen a prosciutto of happiness until now :-)

  2. :-) excellent.

    And there you go. Pigs on PDP and on VDP.

  3. I never "sausage" a sign before!

    You mentioned your matchbook collection -- I would never throw mine out if I didn't have to. The problem is, I literally have no way to get them to London. I'm certainly not advocating that everyone toss their matchbooks! They ARE interesting, and full of good memories.

  4. I had dinner last evening at Pizza Bianco here in Tucson and saw that sign for the first time. Never will you meet a better pizza than one from Pizza Bianco. Give it a try.
