Friday, February 20, 2015

Five Presidents - in a row

I took this photo of these tall buildings in a row in downtown Phoenix a couple of weeks ago but, I was actually downtown last night to see a play, the world premier of a play called "Five Presidents" written by Rick Cleveland.  It was a very entertaining look at what might have gone on in the private room where Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter waited when they attended the funeral of Richard Nixon.  The writer said he first got the idea to write the play when he was working on the television show "The West Wing" and he saw a photo of the five presidents at the funeral.  He got to thinking about what they might have said to each other when they were alone together.  The five actors chosen to play the roles did a great job of making each personality come to life.  If the play makes it to your town, check it out.  I think everyone would enjoy it.

P.S.  For those of you who saw yesterday's post, I had a prosciutto pizza for dinner before the play.  Prosciutto and goes together.


  1. That's a very interesting sounding play, imagine that happening?!

  2. Super shot Sharon, does sound like an entertaining play, can only imagine THAT dialogue :)

  3. Like the pic and the concept of the play, Sharon!

  4. Terrific shot, and I really like the idea of the play.

  5. ...and nice blue sky too and I bet it is lovely and warm too. The play sounds really intriguing.

  6. Sounds like an interesting play, it seems that between the prosciutto and the theatre, you had a great time!

  7. Such a cool shot, I like the reflection too.

  8. The play sounds very entertaining and piques my interest. Hope I have the opportunity to see it someday.

  9. That is indeed a good premise for a play. Thanks for the suggestion.

  10. Sounds like an interesting play indeed! And prosciutto pizza just makes it even better!!

  11. I can only imagine the dialog. Too bad I can't eavesdrop from here :-)
