Wednesday, February 18, 2015

An unusual sighting

As I was getting out of my car in a shopping center parking lot, I saw something moving in the car next to me but no one was in the car and it was locked up.  What I saw was this little flower pot sitting on the dash and those leaves were slowly moving up and down as though they were waving at me.  I thought it was so strange that I decided to shoot through the car window to get a photo of it.  Have you seen anything like this before.  I'm not much for car trinkets but, I am curious to know if this thing has a purpose.


  1. Perhaps it helps calm the driver, prevents road rage?!

  2. I certainly have Sharon.. in my sister's car :) Not sure if I like it, it's a wee bit mesmeric :)

  3. No... never seen something like this... :)

  4. I've seen 'em. Not in a car though. I've got crap hanging from my rearview mirror that Elenka curses though. Does that count?

  5. I have one at one of my windows!

  6. Kind of cute. Not sure I would want it on my dash though.

  7. I have seen these on windowsills, but not in a car. I suppose they can be soothing.

  8. Never seen anything like it but a colleague has a fan like this (fun but not very cooling!)

  9. I have seen all different kinds of these in cars and windows. Cheerful to see on a miserable day, Sharon!

  10. Haven't seen this exact model but there is a woman in St. Paul that carries a vase and flowers on her dashboard.

  11. I have several at my house only because my grandkids love them. Not only do I have flowers but also a dancing bear and a ballerina. We get them at the dollar store. They really keep the kids amused!

  12. Thought it was a common thing on VW Beetles

  13. Sharon, really? Do I seem like the kind of guy who would have one of these in his car?

  14. Do you remember if it was in a Volkswagen? I do see daisies in Volkswagen cars but never saw one like this funny one.
