Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Fog in the garden

After I drove around the city in the fog on Sunday morning, I headed to the Desert Botanical Garden to see how all those cactus look shrouded in fog.  I found the very big Cardon cactus standing tall with birds perched on each tower.  The birds seem to be dismayed by the wall of white surrounding them.

The Chihuly glass towers were looking equally misty with the fog surrounding them.  I had a pleasant walk around the garden but by the time I went home, my hair was wet enough to have to be blown dry.


  1. Looks like the fog 'grounded' all bird flights!

  2. I love all the birds perched there! fog always makes everything look all mysterious...

  3. We do not have fog that often so they are probable trying to figure it out. I took Stella out to see the fog and she ran around with her head up. Of course I thought it was pretty cute.

  4. Again Chihuly caught my eye!! Like his cacti.

  5. That's very unusual weather for Phoenix, right? It's usually so very dry. Love the birds on the cactus - they probably had to park there 'cause they couldn't see where to fly to!

  6. Pretty dynamic photos with the birds 'topping' it off.

  7. A very different look for the garden!

  8. They won't have much of a view up there Sharon :)

  9. The first shot reminds me of a skyline. I was thinking those cacti in the second shot were especially bright, until I read that they're glass. They look really nice in this garden.

  10. A completely different atmosphere to the gardens in the mist. Beautiful, though!

  11. Wonderful to see some Chihuly and the first shot with the silhouettes of the birds is simply marvellous!

  12. I had never thought of the fog soaking one's hair but I suppose it would, at that. Good photos in the Garden, especially the first one.

  13. I bet those plants -- even the cactus -- and the birds are happy to have the moisture!

  14. That first shot of the birds perched on the cactus is just wonderful. I guess they were waiting for the fog to lift.

  15. I loved the fog. I had to run outside and take several pictures.

  16. Love the photo with the birds !
