Saturday, November 15, 2014

What I miss the most....

What I miss the most from the old house is seeing these always sunny faces at my bird feeder.  So far, I haven't seen (or heard) any of them in my new neighborhood.  I might have to get my fill of these guys from the flock that hangs out at the Desert Botanical Garden.


  1. What a welcoming sight, great photo!

  2. "Just hangin here."
    "Get a grip!"

  3. A charmer! What you need to do is get a big net, sneak into your old neighborhood with handfuls of birdseed...throw out the birdseed, and when these little guys start to eat, throw the net over them, and then run back to your neighborhood and let them go.

    Hey, it's worth a try!

  4. What a cutie! I hope some show up in your new neighborhood.

  5. I'm sure they'll find you! What a beauty!

  6. A great shot of this beauty, Sharon!

  7. Just keep the feeder full and they will come.

  8. It is amazing that you have such exotic looking birds in Phoenix. I can see why you miss them at your new house.

  9. Keep the feeders full and who knows...
    I cross my fingers for you.
    (I miss most of all the hummingbirds who were visiting everyday... None of them lives here, it's too cold I presume)

  10. How sad for you!! I would miss these beauties, too.

  11. Oh that's a shame Sharon, they are so pretty.. Are you able to hang a bird feeder in your new place?

  12. Love the photo. Maybe they'll follow you once they figure out where you are. :)
