Friday, November 14, 2014

Empty Castle

This building located in a north Phoenix residential area has been sitting empty for at least 2 or 3 years with no sign of activity.  I tried to do a little research on the place on the web but, I couldn't find anything to help me identify it.

 The area is mostly custom single family homes so this building really stands out as quite unusual.

An empty house in any neighborhood is troublesome but, one that looks like this is particularly vexing.  I wonder what the story is behind this building.


  1. Bill's guess is probably on the money. Very different architecture, a shame that it stands empty.

  2. Looks like it could have been something quite special too.

  3. I'm looking for my son's box of Legos right now. Hahahaha

  4. Looks like a nice house... hemm... castle. Too bad that the owner ran out of money...
    I like the reflections in the window on the top right, did you take a photo of them?

  5. The structure resembles children's building blocks.

  6. I wonder if it was to be a home or a business. Surely someone will get it finished and put to use.

  7. Well if it every gets finished it's going to be quite a landmark Sharon :)I think people get a little carried away sometimes :)

  8. I would imagine it's a case of running out of money. I remember a place that was erected not far from my childhood home that was way over the top, and seemed to languish for years before getting finished.

  9. Maybe Sheriff Arpaio could make use of it! :>

  10. I think the funds probably ran out too - maybe the bank owns it now & can't find a new buyer. We will have to make up our own story about it! ;-)

  11. Whatever, I actually think there must be really nicely proportioned rooms in it. It needs a few trees around it and a rooftop garden behind the crenellations!

  12. It is interesting and I rather like the architecture. Maybe Frank Lloyd Wright came back to life and zapped it? Well, it could happen. Wright? I mean, right? :)

  13. Someone must have really loved this house, once.

  14. This is a sad sight. Maybe it will be rescued by someone.

  15. This place is genuinely weird looking. I can't see how it is going to be rescued.

  16. If a bank owns it, it seems likely that they'll have trouble finding a buyer. Definitely not to everyone's taste!
